Saturday, September 12, 2009

The One & Only

We went to the Paper Mills Ruins a few miles away from our house in the attempts to shoot our own family pictures. We did not realize that we would have to hike in a half mile to get there and we brought a stroller not a carrier. Between lighting issues, tripod issues, and the fact that we would both like to loose some baby weight we did not keep many photos. This is the one and only family pic that was even close to looking decent. To see the rest of the pics click on the 'The One and Only' link above.
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Butler Family said...

Tommy- you have such a beautiful family

Maren and Blake said...

At least you made a valid attempt. I would have stopped at the half mile hike in.

Kindt Family said...

So cool! What a good idea. Joe said he and Tommy stumbled upon them on their run the other day. Next time I'd be happy to come along and take pics for you!! I can do a pretty good job, and I never get tired of it (seriously, I'll take like 300 at a time when I do photo shoots of the boys)! :)

Martinez Family said...

love the family pic- you guys are look great:)

Matt and Jade said...

I love this picture. I hate family pictures, Matt is so badly behaved.

Tommy & Britt Schlosser said...

Jade... Britt says she knows and guesses where he gets it!