Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...

Okay Britt finally seceded and decided to throw some prego pics up on the blog. I think she's super gorgeous!
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Martinez Family said...

she is SUPER GORGEOUS! Did she cut/color her hair? YAY for prego pics! Its great seeing your cute little tummy Britt!!

Butler Family said...

GORDGEOUS!! Look at that beautiful bump!! I am so excited for you both!! He will be here soon!!! What a handsome boy he will be. Britt you look FANTASTIC!!!! I wish I could look that smokin hot!! lol Thanks for putting some pics up for us to see!! Good to see you all

Unknown said...

After hearing from EVERYONE how cute you look Brit I have to agree. Thanks for finally giving in, you look awesome. Love you forever, Amber

Unknown said...

Brit you look awesome. I kept hearing how cute you look and I have to agree. Thanks for finally giving in. I love you, Amber

Alecia Dave and DMax said...

britt Prego? ... I remember you telling me that but I just couldn't put the image in my mind. You look so cute! HEy weren't we suposed to have a party for you? Mich told me but never called me back to let me know any details.
Are we having a shower for you? What is going on? Is there still time or not? Love you

Heidi said...

Wow, you are a cute pregnant lady! I'm glad I found your cute blog. Hope you're doing well!

Melanie said...

You are too darling for a preggo lady!! Love your lil bump!