Monday, February 02, 2009

House Hunting

Well we went house hunting here in Vernal and without much luck we did not find anything resonable that fell in our price range. What we have found out is that we can buy a little lot outside of town and build cheaper than we can buy right now. We have put this house up on our vision board in hopes that we can build a little craftsman inspired home.


Maren and Blake said...

House Hunting stinks. Keep up the looking. I am sure something will come about. So what are your plans for the near future? It sounds like you are no longer working for Enterprise, as you are starting up your shuttle service.

Also, I thought you were going back to school. Is that taking place? How is the pregnancy going? Is Brit feeling ok?

Butler Family said...

Such a pretty house!! Did Britt draw it?

Tommy & Britt Schlosser said...

No, Britt did not draw it we found it online. I am sure though that before all is said and done she will put her own spin on it.

Butler Family said...

Wow! Still a very pretty house though:)